MVC Features
MVC is a public chain with a layer of distributed ID and high-performance smart contracts that can be expanded to global users.
Using the same POW consensus scheme as Bitcoin and the same SHA256 mining algorithm as Bitcoin ensures that MVC has the characteristics of openness, permissionlessness, and decentralization. Sufficient decentralization is the foundation of all blockchain technologies. Decentralization can ensure the robustness, cross-regional, and fair competition of the system, and make the whole system have self-sustaining vitality.
The optimized UTXO high-concurrency model is adopted, and the transaction format of the traditional UTXO model is upgraded to create a super node with high-performance parallel computing to ensure a dynamically scalable public chain that can carry millions of TPS and even be used by global users.
The first distributed ID scheme MetaID under the UTXO model makes the discrete UTXO model have the advantages of the account model but at the same time have high concurrency. Let each piece of data point to a specific user; users naturally control their own data, achieve data interconnection between applications, simplify the development process, and have the basis for building high-performance Web3 applications.
The first pure layer-1 practical Turing-complete smart contract solution MetaContract based on the UTXO model. It can achieve all the logic of EVM, but thanks to the advantages of the UTXO model, this solution has the advantages of high performance and extremely low handling fees.
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