Vote Option:
Yes - Total: 18,897.3 USDT [300 Wallet Units]
We need a cold wallet for MVC network over time.
Executive Summary:
Exciting news! We're proposing to integrate MVC network into Tangem's hardware wallets, showcasing our community's strong interest in this integration. Let's join forces to make this happen efficiently!
Proposal Content:
Genuine Enthusiasm To kick things off, we need to ignite real enthusiasm within the MVC global community for Tangem integration on Tangem's Twitter in Feb & Mar 2024. Tangem is looking for authentic interest from our community without any robotic or spammy behavior. Genuine enthusiasm is the key to Tangem's consideration for queue time and acceptance of our payment below:
Unit Price: 69.99 USDT [Get a 10% Discount for group purchases]
Exclusive MVC version: 300 units
Wallet Costs: 18,897.3 USDT
Members handle all VAT & Shipping Costs independently.
Application form [Start from 25 Mar 2024]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSitkEkGzA6SkH027KRU_z0V7AfQFBcXKN672Tsx0k0-OvJA/viewform
How it Works:
Let's team up! We propose MVCDAO to secure all units upfront for a group purchase order, available to MVCers at 42 USDT per unit later on + 0.1 Space to Referral per unit. [Maximum 290units, the remaining 10units is reserved for activity purpose in the future]
Registration Opens: Contact an MVC secretary member for registration details start from 25 Mar 2024 [Subject to change with notice]. MVC secretary member will then pass on the registration info to the Tangem team thrice a month for smooth project delivery.
Timeline: No strict deadlines or tech hurdles from Tangem. Let's unite and make this a reality!
Important Notes:
No DMs from any admins, moderators, committees, or secretaries initially.
Payment addresses will not be shared via DM. Please verify addresses for USDT payment in official channels or DAO proposals for security independently.
This proposal falls under the MVC Improvement Proposal (MIP) framework and is subject to review and approval by all MVCers through an on-chain proposal.
USDT Resources:
MVCDAO has ample USDT reserves to cover all associated costs. If MIP-25 is approved by DAO, the required USDT will be withdrawn from the existing community liquidity account. In exchange, an equivalent value of Space will be transferred from the DAO treasury to the community liquidity account, ensuring liquidity resources are maintained.
Disclaimer & Remarks:
1) SPACE: Not an Investment Vehicle
MVCDAO wants to make it crystal clear: SPACE isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. MVCDAO emphasizes that Space is not an investment vehicle, but the gas within the MVC ecosystem. The value and price of SPACE may be influenced by utility demand of MVC network, there may be risks of price fluctuations. Participants are advised against purchasing SPACE for investment or speculative purposes.
Please note that MVCDAO does not make any commitments or guarantees regarding the price or value of SPACE. When holding SPACE, it should be used solely for participation in MVCDAO governance or utility purpose within the MVC network.
2) No Investment advise:
This proposal aims to boost MVC network visibility and sustainability, not to provide investment advice or analysis.
3) Conflict of interest declaration:
The author of this proposal has not received any commission.
4) No Endorsement Stamp:
MVCDAO and the author do not endorse any hard wallet integration. Security of any hard wallet integration is not guaranteed. Exercise caution with Tangam and future wallet platforms.
5) No Guaranttee of Security:
MVCDAO, MVClabs, or the author cannot ensure hard wallet security. Users are accountable for interactions with hard wallet platforms. MVCDAO is not liable for losses due to hacks or hard wallet issues. No refunds for losses from hard wallet interactions.
6) No guaranttee of arrival time for wallet delivery from Tangem:
Project delivery is not under MVCDAO control. MVCDAO Secretary member will submit the registration details to Tangem thrice a month. Members should contact Tangem directly for product delivery, if the registration details have already been passed to Tangem.
7) Patience is a Virtue: Avoid FUD Comments About Late Integration:
The MVC network isn't run-of-the-mill ERC20/BRC20 token, Integration and queue times will be longer. We know you're excited, but remember, good things come to those who wait. Members who express impatience/complaint or spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt more than four times about late integration, MVC's moderator member reserve the right to remove you from MVC community.
Let's maintain a supportive and patient community atmosphere together.
To rejoin, a public apology is required. Repeat offenders will be permanently benched.
8) Accuracy of postal address:
Please ensure your postal address is accurate to prevent delivery issues; MVCDAO and Tangem are not responsible for losses due to incorrect addresses.
9) Confirmaion of restriction
Confirm that your region allows the reception of Tangem wallets; any local restrictions leading to delivery failure are not the liability of MVCDAO or Tangem.
10) Confirmation of phone Accessibility:
Ensure phone accessibility for postman/post office; MVCDAO and Tangem are not liable for communication issues with local delivery services.
11) Full USDT payment is required:
USDT payment must be paid in full. If less than 42 USDT is received, a refund will be made to the original sender's address.[Refunds are only processed once a month from 10th to 13th, please be patient.]
12) Paitence for the delivery of wallet by Tangem:
MVCDAO only collects applicant information and sends it to Tangem three times a month. Please wait patiently for Tangem’s transfer.
13) First come, first served
In order, complete the payment of USDT + those who complete the form correctly [first come, first served]. If 290 slots have been redeemed, the remaining USDT will be returned to the sender's address.
14) DYOR for the payment address:
Payment addresses will not be shared via DM for security reasons. Please independently verify USDT payment addresses through official channels or DAO proposals. MVCDAO is not liable for payments sent to incorrect addresses; refunds will not be issued. Always conduct your own research (DYOR) for the payment address
Last updated