Try mining with the node.
Not recommended for production, please refer to the mining guide if you are mining on the mainnet
== Generating ==
generate nblocks ( maxtries )
generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries)
Mine up to nblocks blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns) to an address in the wallet.
generate nblocks ( maxtries )
Mine up to nblocks blocks immediately (before the RPC call returns) to an address in the wallet.
1. nblocks (numeric, required) How many blocks are generated immediately.
2. maxtries (numeric, optional) How many iterations to try (default = 1000000).
[ blockhashes ] (array) hashes of blocks generated
Generate 11 blocks
> mvc-cli generate 11
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "generate", "params": [11] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries)
Mine blocks immediately to a specified address (before the RPC call returns)
1. nblocks (numeric, required) How many blocks are generated immediately.
2. address (string, required) The address to send the newly generated mvc to.
3. maxtries (numeric, optional) How many iterations to try (default = 1000000).
[ blockhashes ] (array) hashes of blocks generated
Generate 11 blocks to myaddress
> mvc-cli generatetoaddress 11 "myaddress"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "generatetoaddress", "params": [11, "myaddress"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'