MIP-59 Cost Claim: USD 80,000
Vote Option:
1) 100% [80,000 USD worth of space]
2) 80% [64,000 USD worth of space]
3) 60% [48,000 USD worth of space]
4) 40% [32,000 USD worth of space]
5) 20% [16,000 USD worth of space]
6) 0%
1st Builder Program PPT Summary:
This MIP aims to finalize the compensation ratio for projects MIP 59 and MIP 60 through a democratic voting process within the MVCDAO community. Out of the initial five projects, two have progressed past the technical expert screening and committee member evaluations, now awaiting the final round of voting by all DAO members. Each vSpace token equates to one vote, underscoring the significance of thoughtful voting in determining development cost compensation. This process exemplifies a unique experiment in blockchain fairness and serves as a significant external demonstration of decentralized evaluation. Let's collectively appreciate the commitment of all developers involved in this innovative journey of Bitcoin scaling evolution.
Disclaimer and Remarks:
1) Disclaimer on Investment Intentions
Due to regulatory compliance and legal purposes, in the Official MVC Channel and general real life conversation, Space cannot be acknowledged or discussed as an investment vehicle. Please respect the official channel policies and adhere to them, as they are mandatory for all members. Thank you for your understanding.
Decisions to acquire or use Space for speculative or investment purposes are solely at the discretion of the individual. MVCDAO explicitly disclaims any responsibility for losses that may arise from such actions. Members are urged to exercise caution and make informed decisions.
2) No Assurance on Space Value
Please note that MVCDAO does not make any commitments or guarantees regarding the value of the network gas: SPACE.
3) No Investment Advise:
This proposal is focused on enhancing the visibility and sustainability of the MVC network. It is important to note that the arranagement mentioned in this proposal do not constitute investment advice. Participants and all members should refrain from interpreting it as such.
Last updated